Hello Everyone,
Your favorite No. 1 Gospel Website/Blog Gospelpaper (formerly Gsahulo.com.ng) is 3 years old today (October 15th to be precise). We know some of una sabi the date pass una own birthday self 😭😭 just kidding, it’s all love.
As a Brand, we have really come a long way, achieved a whole lot, won many battles (lost many too), encountered many obstacles in the last 3 years but we came out strong 💪As such, we think this is a great milestone that’s worth celebrating – abi I lie?
We appreciate you all for your love and support and for making Gospelpaper (formerly Gsahulo.com.ng) what it is today.
Also to our Admins for their dedication and hard work. We’ll continue to make this platform much better and easier to access and also faster in updating you all on the latest gospel songs and Albums in Nigeria and the world at large.
On this faithful day, please Wish us a Happy Anniversary below.
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