5-8 reasons/health benefits why scents leaf consumption is important

Scents leaf is a beautiful plant known for its unique color and highly valued for its dietary and medicinal advantages. It is grown in Nigeria and is known by the igbos as Nnchanwu, by the yorubas as Efinrin and by the hausas as Daidoya.Also,the botanical name for scent leaf is Ocimum gratissimum 

It should be noted that no portion of this plant is ineffective since all components can be used for different medicinal and nutritional purposes. 

Due to its aromatic nature,it can be used to spice up various kinds of soup (pepper soup inclusive)and other delicious meals like yam porridge.

Note this

What Is The Function Of Scent Leaf In The Body?

  1. It prevent and treat malaria,cough,catarrh and fever.
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2. Cures several stomach related illness like cholera,diarrhea,dysentery,vomiting and convulsion.

picture of scent leaf

3. The stick of this leaf is being used by some people as a local chewing stick.

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What is the health benefit of scent leaf juice?

  1. The essential oil of this leaf contains EUGENOL, which possesses antibacterial properties:

2. Treats skin diseases such as ring worms.

3. Treats gout and fungal infections.

4. Treats aches and reliefs from colon pains.5)When left to dry and burn,this leaves could serve as a mosquito repellent.
Learn how to prevent,treat and control cancer.

You might want to read my next article in which i talked about the side effects of consuming scents leaf.


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